
Archive for January 28, 2009

How to Build A Birdhouse; You Should Make One Before You Die.

Why should you build a birdhouse?

It is a great problem solving exercise. You first have to find the scrap wood to buold the birdhouse. Then you have to figure out what kind of bird you want to live in that birdhouse, find out how much space that bird needs to live, ho big of a hole the bird needs to get in and out of the birdhouse and how high you are going to have to mount it to make sure a bird actually nests in it. All of that doesn’t include trying to figure out how to build it with the tools you already own.

Birds are good for your yard. They till up the ground looking for food. They rid your yard of pesky insects. They are fun to look at and talk about.

We are killing their natural habitat. We are constantly cutting down trees, taking away their homes. A birdhouse will keep them from nesting in your house.

Its relaxing. There is something zen like about building something with your hands. It brings you peace and gives you an escape from all the other stresses in your life… At least for a little while.

What birds can you build a birdhouse for?

Wrens – There are about 80 species of wrens. Their scientific name is Troglodyte which means Cave Dwellers. They derive this name because wrens are known to get their food from dark caves.

Blue Jays – Found in North America, is a bright blue color with a pronounced crest on the head, a crown of feathers, which may be raised or lowered according to the bird’s mood.

Cardinals – Their diet consists of seed. That are a beautiful red color and have a crest on their head that stands up when they are showing their mood.

Robins – Flock at night. Is one of the first birds to lay their eggs every year. Their diet includes grubs, catterpillars, fruits and berries. They have a re

Swallows & Martins – a group of birds who are known for their habit of aerial feeding.

There are many other birds that you can build a birdhouse for. All you have to do is find out what birds live in your area and build your birdhouse to fit those birds.

Where do I find specifications about birdhouse sizes?

  • Building Nest Structures – This one has the best information. 53 Pages Worth of Information to be Exact.
  • The Little Chikadee
  • PVC Birdhouse
  • Wildlife Projects
  • Get Ready for Spring
  • Gourd Birdhouses
  • Here is a video i found on youtube. I actually want to build this birdhouse. I will document my progress as I build it for you to watch. Until then, enjoy this how-to video.

    How do I build a birdhouse? I will be explaining the following as I go about building my own birdhouse. Make sure you come back to see my progress.

  • Find birdhouse plans
  • Find your materials
  • Find your tools
  • Assymble the birdhouse
  • Here are 100 more things you should do before you die.