Home > My View on Current Events > Swine Flu: Is the N1H1 Virus Still a Threat to Children and the Elderly in the United Stated of America USA?

Swine Flu: Is the N1H1 Virus Still a Threat to Children and the Elderly in the United Stated of America USA?

They are still emphasizing caution when going into public places. There’s a lot of info about how to keep from passing germs. The biggest thing is trying to keeping it under control in the schools.

I was listening to FreeTalkLive Episode for September 15th, 2009. They were talking about all the conspiracy theories that are floating around. People believe that the N1H1 virus was designed as a slow killer for the military. It got loose into the population.

Others think it is a way for pharmaceutical companies to make more money. They release this bug into the air, then they get all kinds of government money to create and mass produce the vaccine for everyone in America.

I’m not sure i believe any of it. I don’t know if I even think the N1H1 is a threat. I wonder if it is a psychosomatic thing, where the media made a big deal about this flu, then everyone started believing they were getting it, then lowering their own immune system and catching it. You see, Even I have my own Conspiracy Theory, even if it is not much of a conspiracy.

  1. ahrcanum
    September 18, 2009 at 8:09 am

    I think you are correct in your Pyschosomatic symptom theory. Numerous medical professionals claim attitude is half the battle to recovery so it sure can work the other way. Also, people who pray seem to recover faster.

  2. theresa smith
    October 14, 2009 at 12:52 am

    Ok so you guys need to go back and punt on that comment… My 7 month old nephew has the N1H1 flu.. SO DID HE PURPOSLEY CATCH IT?!?!?!?

    • October 14, 2009 at 7:54 am

      I didn’t say that people were not catching the N1H1. People are catching it just as bad as they are catching the regular flu, maybe slightly more so. It’s the flu. It is a virus. There is nothing the Doctors can do about it once you have it. Your body just has to fight it. So why do we really have to to forced to take the vaccine? Somebody is making a lot of money from this vacine.

      Your nephew caught it. Several people I know of have caught it. They were only sick for a day or two. I am sure there are a bunch of people who are sick for longer periods than a couple of days. That is what happens when a virus moves around the populous. People get sick. Some get more sick than others.

      I don’t know. I’m just a little suspiciuos. Maybe I should look at the number of people the N1H1 has killed. Not to many in America. There were a bunch in Mexico. My question is, How many people does the regular flu kill every year? I don’t know if it is that much different than that of the N1H1 this year.

  3. jess
    November 17, 2009 at 11:04 am

    i think that it is a really bad flu and that it is vary scarry but everyone should understand that if u keep things clean keep ur slef in good shape and vitamins and all that good stuff then u more then likely wont get it..it says it goes to ppl with bad bad immune system and elder and baby why elders and babys beacuse their immune system sucks…mine is really bad i have bad lungs and i get sick every year and iv been soo carful now im eating vitamins i hardly go out unless its for work other then that i dont i wash my hands i have alot of showers im just safe and if everyones safe maybe they wont get it and i feel really bad for ur 7 month old my lil sister had it to i dont live at home so i didnt get it but she had it for 2 3 days and she had a fever of 104 to 103 and the docs at the emerg wouldn even see her she had to woat 5-6 hours and shes 7 so thats pertty bad buy ya just stay safe

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