
Posts Tagged ‘101’

Visit at Least 5 Other Countries Before You Die

I think there are plenty of people out there who would love to visit other countries. I have met a few people who have no interest in visiting… well… anywhere. I find that strange. I have always wanted to travel. There are so many things out there to experience. I want to go to Australia and swim over the Great Barrier Reef. I want to go to Japan to see the ancient temples. I would love to see the Great Wall of China, and the Eifel Tower. If I had the money, I would love to take one of those low orbit flights and experience what it feels like to be weightless.

For those of you who want to travel all over the world, lets figure out your top five countries to visit.

  1. Think about all the places you would like to see in person. Think about buildings like castles and cathedrals. Think about large stone formations, natural and man made. Think about the largest things in the world like the great wall and the longest bridge. List them all. Don’t stop with five.
  2. Take the time to do your research on each of these. Figure out where they are and what it would take for you and your family to go visit it. Write this information down.
  3. Put them in order of which ones you would most like to go see. If you have a tie or can figure out which ones you would like to go see the most, take the time to search your desires. Write down the pros and cons of each and make that decision.
  4. Save enough money to make visiting these destinations a reality. You will have to be creative in your saving techniques. You can figure spending at least $2,000 on each of these trips. You might be able to travel for les, but you will have to cut the extravagances of your hotel and food. Stay in Hostels or sleep in your rental car. Just remember the dangers of these type of things.
  5. Make your dreams of traveling to other countries come true.

Here are 100 more things you should do before you die.

How to Build A Birdhouse; You Should Make One Before You Die.

Why should you build a birdhouse?

It is a great problem solving exercise. You first have to find the scrap wood to buold the birdhouse. Then you have to figure out what kind of bird you want to live in that birdhouse, find out how much space that bird needs to live, ho big of a hole the bird needs to get in and out of the birdhouse and how high you are going to have to mount it to make sure a bird actually nests in it. All of that doesn’t include trying to figure out how to build it with the tools you already own.

Birds are good for your yard. They till up the ground looking for food. They rid your yard of pesky insects. They are fun to look at and talk about.

We are killing their natural habitat. We are constantly cutting down trees, taking away their homes. A birdhouse will keep them from nesting in your house.

Its relaxing. There is something zen like about building something with your hands. It brings you peace and gives you an escape from all the other stresses in your life… At least for a little while.

What birds can you build a birdhouse for?

Wrens – There are about 80 species of wrens. Their scientific name is Troglodyte which means Cave Dwellers. They derive this name because wrens are known to get their food from dark caves.

Blue Jays – Found in North America, is a bright blue color with a pronounced crest on the head, a crown of feathers, which may be raised or lowered according to the bird’s mood.

Cardinals – Their diet consists of seed. That are a beautiful red color and have a crest on their head that stands up when they are showing their mood.

Robins – Flock at night. Is one of the first birds to lay their eggs every year. Their diet includes grubs, catterpillars, fruits and berries. They have a re

Swallows & Martins – a group of birds who are known for their habit of aerial feeding.

There are many other birds that you can build a birdhouse for. All you have to do is find out what birds live in your area and build your birdhouse to fit those birds.

Where do I find specifications about birdhouse sizes?

  • Building Nest Structures – This one has the best information. 53 Pages Worth of Information to be Exact.
  • The Little Chikadee
  • PVC Birdhouse
  • Wildlife Projects
  • Get Ready for Spring
  • Gourd Birdhouses
  • Here is a video i found on youtube. I actually want to build this birdhouse. I will document my progress as I build it for you to watch. Until then, enjoy this how-to video.

    How do I build a birdhouse? I will be explaining the following as I go about building my own birdhouse. Make sure you come back to see my progress.

  • Find birdhouse plans
  • Find your materials
  • Find your tools
  • Assymble the birdhouse
  • Here are 100 more things you should do before you die.

    Paraglide, bungee jump or sky dive

    January 4, 2009 2 comments

    Haven’t you ever wanted to do something that was dangerous?… Risky?… Or just plain idiotic? Most of the time we just want to get by without putting ourselves in danger, but every once in a while we want the rush we get by doing something that we know we really should not be able to do without killing ourselves; like jumping off a bridge or out of an airplane.

    For some people this thrill is a necessity for life. The rush of adrenaline makes them feel good; makes them feel alive. For others, this feeling comes with dread. They are constantly worried about the outcome that they cannot enjoy the thrill of the activity. Either way this is still something you should try.

    If you love to try new things, then this should be fun for you and should come to you naturally. You should be able to decide on something that you have never done before and go on to do it with enthusiasm. You may even be able to get a friend or a group of friends to join you in this endeavor.

    If something like this scares you, then think of this as a way for you to face your fears. There is nothing like battling the war inside your mind and forcing yourself to do something that it naturally resists (only the good things folks, we only want to create positive events in our lives and in the lives of others). If you find yourself having trouble going through with it alone, you should find a friend to go with you. Find someone who would love this sort of thing; someone who would fit in the paragraph before this one.

    Now, there are a few of you who have done some of these things, maybe even all of them. That may be fewer still of you who do all of these activities on a regular basis. For you I say congratulations. You have done something that most people will not ever have the opportunity to do. My advice to you is that you find something you have not done before. Try to think of something that may scare you a bit. Think of something that will bring back the rush of falling out of an airplane for the first time. The idea is to grow as a person.

    So… Have I talked you into it? It doesn’t really matter. If you don’t have the desire to do something like this, then there is no real reason to follow through with it. I just wanted to put the thought in your head. It could be fun and would definitely be something you could talk about at gatherings and whatnot. It will only make you grow.

    Here are 100 more things you should do before you die.