
Posts Tagged ‘Garden diary how to howto reseed reseeding your lawn on’

How to Reseed Your Yard the Cheap Way One Section at a Time.

March 20, 2009 1 comment

My backyard needs to be completely reseeded. It is full of mud and weeds. The problem is I don’t have the funds to pay for that much seed, straw, fertilizer and the rental or purchase of a gas powered tiller. The following are the steps I took to reseed a small section of the backyard.

I didn’t do it, but you might spray some weed and grass killer over what might be growing right now. I didn’t do it, but it might keep other stuff from growing faster than your new seed. As for me, I am planning to spray Wee-B-Gone on the lawn after the grass has established itself.

Step One: Thoroughly soak the area you want to reseed. If it is not wet, it can be very hard to break up, especially if you have red clay for a back yard like me.

Reseeding Tilling the Ground

Step Two: Find a way to break up the ground. I personally had a garden claw in the garage. It costs about $20 at the mega hardware store. It costs a little money, but it works better at breaking up the ground than a shovel. The only thing that may work better is a mattocks. Whatever yard tool you may have in the garage or shed, use it to break up the ground. Make sure it is not clumped together any bigger than marble or golf ball size.

Step Three: Spread the seed. I have a handheld spreader that I used. You can use your hand if you don’t have a spreader. You might also see if you can borrow one from a friend or family member. The seed should be pretty thick on the ground. I figure there should be a seed about every quarter inch or so, but don’t get too accurate. It will grow as grass grows.

Step Four: Cover the seed with straw. Make sure the straw is thick enough to hold in water, but not so thick the grass can’t grow through it. You can get the straw in bales for about $4. I plan to reuse the same bale over and over on different sections as I seed them.

Reseeding complete

Let me know if this helps. Make a comment if you think there should be something else I should include.