
Posts Tagged ‘pay’

How to Make Easy Money Using

I have been a member of MyPoints for several years now. It was the only program that actually did pay me for reading my email. There was a rash of those paid-per-click websites a few years ago. All of them required you to get to certain amount of earned income before they paid you. They would expect you to either stop reading the emails after a while or they would find a reason not to pay you with a few of the loopholes that were written into the terms of the agreement. Needless to say, I wasted many hours clicking on these links in the emails they sent me, and never saw a red cent. actually pays me on a regular basis as long as I read the emails and click on the links. They only pay their members with gift cards for companies like Walmart, Target, Lowes, etc. I am able to get a $10 gift card to one of these stores about every 6 months by only reading the emails and clicking on the links. To date I have probably received a dozen of these payments and I could earn so much more when I do my shopping through the retailers on MyPoints.

I only use these retailers if I truly need something they offer. The biggest example is when I purchase something off eBay. They usually pay out 2 points per dollar you spend on ebay. Every now and then they will double that rate and pay out 4 points per dollar. If you buy a lot of stuff on eBay, this alone is a great way to earn a gift card here and there.

When I want to send flowers to my wife on our anniversary or to my mom on Mother’s Day, I will use the flower services that are available on MyPoints. They will usually earn me between 400 and 750 points for buying through them. When you consider that I only need 1,500 points to get a gift card, I will already be half way there just by buying flowers for my wife.

To make this as simple as possible, the best way to use MyPoints is to think about them whenever you need to buy something online. If you want to purchase it, MyPoints probably has a vender who will sell it.

The biggest vendor that I use on their website is They give you 10 points for every coupon you print and use at the store. This is great. As a family we use coupons on a regular basis. We actually play the coupon/sale game by matching coupons with the sales that stores will give weekly. We usually cut a grocery bill from $200 to $115 just by watching the sales and matching the coupons with them. It is even better if you can find a grocery store who doubles coupons.

I think MyPoints is a great way to ear a little extra cash that will come in handy around Christmas time or when it’s time for summer vacation. It only takes a few minutes everyday to check the four or five emails they will send you. If you would like to join, just comment on this blog post and I will send you an invitation. Its worth the little bit of time and effort you give to the internet everyday anyway.

Tired of Ebooks that Don't Give You the Info Without a Price? This One Is FREE!

I’ve spent a lot of time and a little bit of money looking for an eBook that has real information about making real money online. The only problem is that most eBooks give you little information and try to get you to buy something bigger. Something that only really benefits the creator of that eBook. You may have resale rights to that book, but the profits that you make on these resold eBooks are measly. They sometimes don’t even cover the cost of the eBook. The real money that is made is going to the creator who is making money from the links that are in the eBook.

After reading many eBooks and emails that claim to have the perfect information I came across this intriguing eBook. Not only did it offer real information about how to make money, it offered it for FREE and promised an amazing realization in the last chapter.

This eBook Gives you everything you need to know to earn money online without spending a dime. The website where you download the eBook doesn’t even ask for your email address or any other personal information. You heard me right. You are able to download this eBook in PDF format without providing any information to me or to the creator of this eBook. The eBook is chock full of great information about how you can earn money online, how to start your own online business and how to be successful at it.

As you read the information, you will learn the tricks that internet marketers use to make large sums of money. The cool thing is you get this information for FREE. Then, in the last chapter you get the most amazing tool I have ever seen. Please read the book from front to back. The information builds upon itself. You will want to know all the information in Chapters 1-4 before you read chapter 5. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

To get this FREE eBook, click here.

How to Eliminate Your Debt Quickly

October 26, 2006 9 comments

More and more people in the US of A are having problems with their debt. I know. I was one of them. To tell the truth, I am again and I am working on getting myself and my family out of debt again.

When I was in college, I was working 35 hours per week and taking 12 to 16 credit hours at school. I was living with my parents and I still had very little money. The reason? I spent it all on stupid stuff. I fed all the collections that I started with more and more stuff that I really didn’t need. When I graduated college, I put a $3,000 down payment for a new car on my credit card. That was a really big mistake. It took me almost 5 years to pay off that $3,000 and it cost me so much more than what I originally charged.

A few years ago I was fed up with all the debt that had piled up on me. It was close to $5,000 plus my car loan. Now I am lucky that I started to read up on how to get myself out of debt when I was only lightly in debt. I know there are people out there who are hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. That is terrifying to me.

In my reading, I found that I should be living below 80% of my total income. For some reason I had not really realized that in order to get myself out of debt, I had to actually be able to pay for it. From that point I started to weed myself off of buying stupid things. Most of my collections got moved to the sidelines. I even started to liquidate my collections. My baseball collection found its way onto eBay, as well as part of my autograph collection and some of my coin collection.

I was given regular raises at my job and my income was slowly growing above what it was costing for me to live. I started to see a change in the balance on my credit cards. Instead of watching my credit card debt slowly grow a little each month, I was starting to pay it off little by little. I soon had all my credit cards paid off and took big chunk out of my car loan.

The following is a Step by Step Guide for how I was able to get myself out of debt.

  1. Eliminate your stupid spending.
    • Don’t buy Name brands if you don’t have to
    • Don’t allow yourself to make spontaneous purchases. Always Sleep on it.
    • Don’t use your credit card.
  2. Credit is Good, Credit Cards are EVIL
  3. How Deep Does Your Debt Pit Go?
    • Gather all of your monthly bills.
    • Find How Much you Owe Per Month
    • Cry a bit
  4. What Can You Afford to Pay
    • Find your Pay Stub(s)
    • Subtract your Total Debt per Month from Your Total Income
    • Cry a bit more
  5. Types of Debt
    • Good Debt
    • Bad Debt
    • Really Atrocious Debt
  6. Quickest Way to Pay off your Debt.
  7. Proper Perspective about Money
  8. More on Thrifty Living